July 19, 2011

Month 18

Already 18 months! We'll eat a cupcake to that!

My how the days fly by. 18 months has brought more sass and independence to our little ham. You love to brush your own teeth... which means you love to suck the toothpaste off then ask for "mo peez".  You would do everything on your own if you could;  hold a glass of water, unload the dishwasher, put on your own sunscreen. You seem like a little adult with your mannerisms and facial expressions, not to mention the perfect conversational jibber jabber. Without understanding a single word, we know exactly what you are saying. Your eyebrows alone could say a hundred things. I smile every time I think about it.

This month we were able to visit California twice, meaning lots of beach time! You are getting better at playing in the sand, yet you still can't stand your hands being dirty or sticky. You love running from the waves and watching other kids play. You are definitely making friends and remembering them... most of them boys. You light up and squeal when you see them, and usually give an un-reciprocated hug.  You rough house with your little buddies and sometimes get a little too feisty, even for them. You are quick to give loves and kisses if they are sad or hurt. Muaaahh!!! Sometimes if they are lucky they will get a fishy kiss, but those are mainly saved for good-nights or goodbyes and no one in the room is exempt from your loves. You make sure you haven't left anyone out... even new acquaintances.

You have mastered the word no and use it often, mainly on the play ground or at gym daycare. A big dislike this month... you hate when the sun shines in your little hazel eyes. When we are in the car and sunlight just happens to creep across your face, you will yell, giving the sun a harsh reprimand... "No no no no, jibber jabber, jibber jabber, scream... no no no no no!!  (all while covering your eyes and pointing at the sun). I can't help but laugh as I watch the whole scene go down.

I have noticed this month that you have no problem standing up for yourself, I can respect that... it's a jungle out there, especially in gym daycare. Yet, you are incredibly obedient and mind both Dad and I very well. You are such a good girl.  You are our best friend. We have so much fun with you everyday and you never stop making us laugh. We get excited when you wake up in the morning and miss you after we put you to bed. Our world revolves around you. We talk about going on a date night alone and opt to have you join because we would rather have you there.

A few of your favorite things:

- Dogs, any kind, but your favorite is Ellie, and you are hers... When you nap at Mimi's she waits right outside the door, and when you awaken she is never far away.
-Blankie and Binki. Yep the are still around and in high demand. That magic combo can calm your nerves in seconds.
- frozen go-gurts... to help with teething (which is in full force right now)
- avocados
- Swimming at the community center
-Feeding the chickens at Mimi and Papi's house
- and, as usual, your aunt Tiffany, you are two peas in a pod!

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